Now, allow me to introduce myself. I'm June. OK...not really. My name is Erin. My nickname, which no one calls me, is June. As in June Cleaver. My college friends and BBC friends gave me this nickname because I'm domestic. I'm a 22 year old wife and mother. I stay at home, all day, every day, with my wonderful son, Dalton. I'm married to the love of my life, Theodore aka Ted. I love to cook. Love love love to cook. I love to scrapbook, but haven't done it in years. I need to start again. I love to sew, but I currently do not have a sewing machine. I don't love to clean, but I love things being clean. So I clean on a regular basis. Being a stay a home mommy is my true calling in life.
My husband and I recently moved to the Denver area. He is going to law school. We live in the ghetto. I don't know too many people around here, so most of days are spent playing with the creature aka Dalton aka monkey aka the baby. While I love what I do, this has been a huge adjustment for me. And there are many funny things to tell, recipes to share, and vents to post. Thus this blog.

This little guy is the creature. He's my high maintenance little bundle of joy. He's a tiny little dude that made his appearance into the world a month early. He has reflux, doesn't like to sleep, is simply obsessed with me, and is currently dozing away in his bouncer.
He's giving me a real run for my money. I spent 8 months reading all the books and things on the internet I could about pregnancy...only to find out that at the end of it all I have a baby That I have to deal with. It's been....interesting to say the least. But I love it. Every single second of it. I love to cuddle him. I love his oohs and ahhs. I even love his screams, but don't tell him that.
All in all, I love my life, so I'm going to blog about it.
How could you think no one would read your blog?! I think the name is cute...you could make a movie of your life. Maybe starring Jessica Alba? P.S.: This is Emily, not Shaun :)
ReplyDeleteI'm reading it!!!!