Wednesday, November 10, 2010

My newest obsession

Babywearing. And Cloth Diapering.

I seriously cannot get enough of either. I haven't actually started to CD yet, but once my order is finished (should be done on Monday!) I plan to be a CDing mama. I'm loving the idea of being able to save money (no more buying diapers!!!whoo hoo!) being better to our wonderful planet and having less diaper rashes. I'm starting with some pretty simple all-in-ones. Which are basically washable disposables. I'd like to try some pocket ones, just so I can stuff them more for over nights and trips and such. But I'll start with the all in ones and go from there. I'm super excited!

And babywearing. I love to baby wear. About a month ago my step mom and I made an AWESOME ring sling. It's so super easy to just pop my little creature in there for grocery shopping and such. It's also great for around the house for chores and such when he's having a rough day and doesn't want to be put down. I also have a backpack carrier and a normal pouch (just got it today!!). He loves these things. And they make life so much easier for me.

In a couple of months when he starts eating real food (not that breast milk isn't real is, and it's awesome!) I plan to make most of his food. I'm sure I'll become quite obsessed with that as well. That way I know exactly what he's eating and I know it's been prepared right. I'm turning into quite the crunchy mama over here. I'd like to go totally organic...but that's pretty expensive.

So how are you guys going green or crunchy or whatever?


  1. im thinking of making Dani's food too :)

  2. How's that 'five new blogs by the end of the month' thing going? ;) Not that I have a baby, but I am curious about how the cloth diapering is going. I've had that in the back of my mind, because diapers seem quite wasteful...but don't know if I'd have what it takes to actually do it when the time comes.

  3. Two questions- first, like Shaun and Emily I want to know where are your 5 blogs a month? Second, how is cloth diapering going. ;)
